Seamless Support Starts Here: AI-Powered Solutions for Every Customer Query

Elevate your customer service experience to new heights by empowering your audience with the instant, reliable answers they seek, any time of the day. Torri AI scans your website, help center or other sources to provide quick and accurate AI-generated answers to customer questions.


Resolve 90% of your customer questions with Torri AI

Build a own Torri bot with 1-click, embed it on your website and let it handle customer support, lead generation, engage with your users, and more. Train the chatbot with your own data.



Everything you need for your no-code AI chatbot. Add your data sources, train the Torri bot, customize it to your liking, and add it to your website, whatsapp, and telegram.

Seamless Conversations

Engage your website visitors, customers, and clients with natural, intuitive conversations. Torri ensures every interaction is personalised, relevant, and memorable.

Integrations made easy

Seamlessly integrate Torri with your website, WhatsApp, or preferred tools for a unified experience.

Data-Driven Insights

Torri is revolutionising how companies interact with their data through an advanced AI chatbot that learns directly from your organisation's knowledge base.


AI Chatbot in the Industrial sector

Discover the future of conversational excellence with Torri.AI, your intelligent AI companion. Elevate your online interactions with natural and intuitive conversations.


Healthcare And Wellness

Torri.AI is the AI chatbot that takes your digital presence to the next level


Healthcare And Wellness

No more long waits and queues for doctors. Use Torri.AI to have your personal doctor integrated into your life.


Hotels And Hospitality

Hassel free booking and customer support with Torri.AI. Enhance the customer experience by having Torri.AI as your 24/7 hotel assistant.


Healthcare And Wellness

Torri.AI is the AI chatbot that takes your digital presence to the next level


Healthcare And Wellness

No more long waits and queues for doctors. Use Torri.AI to have your personal doctor integrated into your life.


Education And Institutes

Torri.AI can be your teacher providing real-time feedback and assessment tools, simplifying creative learning, exam creation, and grading.


Small Medium Business

Torri.AI can help businesses to engage with their customers in a personalized conversation.


Nonprofits or B2C

Make your assistant with Torri.AI to support customer inquiries, internal training, FAQ distribution, etc.


Healthcare And Wellness

Torri.AI is the AI chatbot that takes your digital presence to the next level

Service Offerings

Torri.Ai is the AI chatbot that takes your digital presence to the next level. Join us on this extraordinary journey, where conversation meets innovation. Experience Torri.Ai today, and never look back.


Precise and accurate

No off-topic answers, accurate from your knowledge base



Supports more than 30 languages


No Code

1-click deployment of your chatbot, train, customize and personalize.



Torri.AI is present on your website, WhatsApp, and other social channels.

Compatibility with WhatsApp and any platforms

We are offering an accessible interface to website or other platforms.


Integrate accessibility solutions into the overall "look and feel".


Promote accessibility in help and documentation.


Ensure that the authoring tool is accessible to authors with disabilities.


Accessible templates and documentation.


Generate standard markup and creation of accessible content.


Define ways of checking and correcting inaccessible content.


Join the future of AI chatbots today with Torri.AI

We’d love to talk about your right-now challenges and share our insights on how to conquer them with Torri.AI
